Using the blog ping switch.
Understanding the "addresses" switch.
Rotating banners ads in slots.
Enabling users to download a CSV of all your articles.
An explanation of the switches.
Announcing important news to your visitors
Allowing people to create a new account to give a article to.
eBay-like ratings on your site.
Creating accounts without asking.
Allowing submitter to reset the submission time on their articles.
Using the calendar system.
Toggling the category jumper.
Allowing members to get togeather for chats.
Allowing visitors to claim an unowned article for their account.
Forcing the would-be submitter to read about why they can't submit.
Allowing people to evaluate each other's comment posts.
Display video files in an HTML5 video player
Complying with the children's online privacy protection act.
How to show a default thumbnail when there's no image.
Using pagerank in your directory
Making people retype the email while registering.
Downloading all attachments in a category at once.
Allowing users to download attachments all at once.
Incorporating screenshots from PAD files into the attachments system.
Articles from the future.
Making it possible to revert to a previous version.
Having articles expire after a time.
Enabling a gender selector for profiles.
Creating help entries for your visitors to read.
Preventing people from seeing what you're linking to.
Understanding the image editing switch.
Allowing visitors to embed and hotlink images from your gallery.
Sending people to the details page before the external website.
Enabling real-time conversations between two members.
Allowing topic creators to respond within replies.
An overview of the invitations system.
Making a persistent menu of categories and subcategories that appears on all pages.
Allowing category selection on a site with thousands of subcategories.
Verifying links in your directory.
Allowing members to trade links.
A slideshow of attachments
Allowing members to publicize their blogs.
Allowing people to leave each other guestbook messages.
Creating a formula for giving a rating to each member.
Allowing members to learn that they've been moderated.
Keeping notes about members.
Display total users online in a particular category.
Details on using the online users list feature.
Potential uses of the switch.
Making use of the popular shareware information format for a software directory.
Allowing members to create a personal list of articles, organized into subcategories.
Associating icons with comments.
Letting members message each other.
Enabling a directory of objects that can be reserved by date.
A switch for clutter reduction.
Letting people link with a custom URL.
Associating articles with each other.
Displaying websites related to a article.
Requesting changes to a post.
Giving users a mix of permissions.
Letting users collect payments.
A place for quick socialization.
Understanding the "show image titles" switch.
Displaying some site stats on the front page.
Enabling and disabling the WSN branding link.
Displaying an automatic list of related categories.
Displaying a list of related content.
Collecting short summaries.
Using the tagging features.
Incorporating thumbnail-sized screenshots of your links.
Auto-filling description, title and tags based on URL.
Acknowledging member birthdays on the front page.
Display how long users have spent on your site in their life.
Eliminating the username field.
Associating URLs with articles.
How to set up your site to use only a reciprocal article type and a sponsored article type, with no regular articles.
Keeping a count of hits/views.
Warning points for bad people.
What-you-see-is-what-you-get editing.
Submitting, accepting and displaying RSS or XML Feeds.
Adding YouTube videos to your gallery.
Creating different types of comments.