Copy and paste the following code into a moderationcontrols.php file, and upload it to your /plugins/ subdirectory:
function beforemoderation($modaction, $modreason = '', $object = false)
if (is_object($object))
if ($object->objecttype == 'link' || $object-objecttype == 'post')
if ($object->catid && $object->catid == 9)
if ($modaction != 'movethread' && $modreason != 'double post' && $modreason != 'spam' && $modreason != 'using forum to post advertising messages') refuseselection("Only spam and double posts should be moderated in the feedback forum.");
return true;
function beforemoderation($modaction, $modreason = '', $object = false)
if (is_object($object))
if ($object->objecttype == 'link' || $object-objecttype == 'post')
if ($object->catid && $object->catid == 9)
if ($modaction != 'movethread' && $modreason != 'double post' && $modreason != 'spam' && $modreason != 'using forum to post advertising messages') refuseselection("Only spam and double posts should be moderated in the feedback forum.");
return true;
Make sure not to leave any spaces at the beginning or end.
The above code prevents moderators from taking any action in forum/forum #9 (in this case a Feedback forum) other than thread moves, double post deletions and spam deletions. Modify the above code to fit your exact needs by changing 9 to the appropriate forum number and the action and reason tests to the ones you need.