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Previous and next links

Previous and next links

The "previous/next links" switch at Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches enables a spot on the topic details page that links to the next and previous topics in the forum.

The previous/next links can slow down the topic details pages noticably, and also increase your server load. If you notice slow pages or high server load, it's best to try switching this off to see if it helps.

If most or all of your topics have images, you might want to link thumbnails of the next and previous. You can do that with this template code, which is already included in the WSN Gallery topic details template and can be added to the other scripts:
<td><a href="{PREVIOUSURL}">&#9668;</a></td>
<td><a href="{PREVIOUSURL}"><img src="thumbnail.php?id={PREVIOUSID}&amp;thumbwidth=50&amp;thumbheight=50&amp;fixedsize=1" class="navigationimage" ></a></td>
<td><img src="thumbnail.php?id={LINKID}&amp;thumbwidth=50&amp;thumbheight=50&amp;fixedsize=1" class="navigationimage" style="opacity: .5;" ></td>
<td><a href="{NEXTURL}"><img src="thumbnail.php?id={NEXTID}&amp;thumbwidth=50&amp;thumbheight=50&amp;fixedsize=1" class="navigationimage" ></a></td>
<td><a href="{NEXTURL}">&#9658;</a></td>

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