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MLS Topics

MLS Topics
09/04/11 (Edited 04/24/14)

Though not available to the general public, real estate agents have access to an MLS IDX database containing real estate topics. WSN can import these topics. Go to Admin Panel -> Topics -> Add Topics -> MLS topics import and enter the FTP info to your MLS database in order to run an import. WSN will automatically fetch the latest files from the MLS ftp site once a day, ensuring your topics are always up to date.

Before you import MLS data, you'll need to get relevant real estate fields (like number of bedrooms and bathrooms) added. Simply go to Admin Panel -> Themes -> Add Themes and install the "Real Estate" theme (it's recommended that you check the boxes to select it for all and delete all other themes). When you install this theme it'll automatically add all the MLS fields to your database and template. You can then remove the fields you don't want to display by editing the custom fields submit/edit and display templates at Admin Panel -> Themes -> Manage Templates.

There are several tweaks relating to MLS data processing. The mlstextrate tweak allows you to process more or fewer topics per page load, which may be necessary to get the automatic import to finish faster on a rarely-visited site. filtermlsfield specifies a field that must be filled with filtermlsvalue in order for a topic to be imported -- for example, if you only want topics from El Dorado county you'd set filtermlsfield to county and filtermlsvalue to El Dorado.

Description Importing real estate topics from an MLS database.
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