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Google Sign-In

Google Sign-In
Mar 30, 2015 (Edited Apr 02, 2015)

For user convenience, maybe websites these days have a "login with google" button that allows users to bypass the traditional registration/login forms and be logged in with just a click without having to remember a password. To enable google sign-in with your WSN 9.1.18 or later website:

  1. Go to then open the "APIs & auth" menu and choose "Credentials".
  2. Click the OAuth "Create new Client ID" button and select "Web Application" as the application type.
  3. Configure the consent screen as desired when prompted.
  4. When prompted for "Authorized Javascript Origins", enter your website URL(s). For "Authorized Redirect URIs" enter the URL of index.php?action=googlelogin on your site(s).
  5. Your credentials are now ready. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret it shows you to WSN's Admin Panel -> Members -> Member Settings -> Google Sign-In.

When a site visitor clicks the "sign in with google" image link on your site, they're taken to a google permissions page. If they approve, and their email address is already in your member database, then that preexisting account is automatically associated with the google login and becomes a one-click login. If their email isn't in the database but cookies indicate they do have an account already, a cookie is set with their google id so that once they sign into their account the regular way the account will be associated with the google login. If they're a new person not in the member database, then a new account it generated using their full name as username (with modifier numbers if needed). The new member is then told that they can change their name to something more anonymous by editing their profile, if they wish to. Google and Facebook registrations are automatically allowed at least one username change.

If the member is in your site's database and their account is already associated to their google account, then they're instantly logged in.

Important: Member system integration with non-WSN scripts may not be compatible with Google Sign-In.

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