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Totals of Each Type on Current Page

Totals of Each Type on Current Page
01/08/10 (Edited 03/11/14)

Suppose you want to show certain content only when there are premium type articles on the page being viewed. You may first think to test for that with <IF {CATTYPETOTALS[premium]}>, but that checks how many in the entire category -- if you're on page 3, there may be no premium links on page 3 even though there are a bunch on page one. So, use {NUMPREMIUMLINKSONPAGE} instead. For example:
<IF {NUMPREMIUMLINKSONPAGE}>there are {NUMPREMIUMLINKSONPAGE} oremium links here on this page</IF>

This works in the 'display articles in category' template and also in the 'search articles' template.

Description Checking how many articles of each type are on the current page.
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