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Post Types

Post Types
09/24/03 (Edited 03/10/14)

At Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches you have the option to turn on post types. By default, you have one type of post: regular. Suppose you wish to create another group called 'reviews'.

First, go to your admin panel and click 'manage settings'. Scroll down to 'Post Types' near the bottom. Add a comma after the 'regular' you see there, and type your new group (do not leave a space). In this case, we'll now have 'regular,reviews'. Save your settings.

Next, edit your 'main' template. In order to create a unique style for this post type, copy the style which has been used for regular posts and change it to fit what you wish for your new group. For example:

<blink><b>This is a review</b></blink> <br>
<!-- END REVIEWS -->

By placing that HTML where you want it and setting 'mix post types' to 'no' in your settings, you can make the unique types of posts appear in different places on the page.

Now, suppose you decide you'd like to make reviews show in the options on the edit page as "Reviews". You don't have to edit the setting and force yourself to redo your template -- instead, you can customize the display of each setting by filling in the 'posttypes' language item. On your 'mangage languages' page find that item and fill in the display names in the same order you have the official names in on the settings page.

Description Creating different types of posts.
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