WSN Links en-us Suspect Links Dealing with links which fail the link checker tests. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:58:44 GMT
  • Mark as ok this time: Clears the link so that it no longer has suspect status and will be like any other link.
  • Never check again: Same as above but exludes this link from being checked in any future reciprocal or dead link checks you may perform. This should only be used for links consistently turning up as suspect which you know are fine and which you trust.
  • Notify submitters: Sends out an email (text determined by email_recipnotfoundbody in your language) notifying the webmaster of the selected suspect sites that no reciprocal link was found on their page. Leaves link as suspect, no changes to status.
  • Suspend the links: Hides the link from the listings, and emails the webmaster notifying them that their site has been suspended for lack of reciprocal link. Remains listed as suspect. To unsuspend (or delete) the link later, find it in the suspect link listing... it will have an 'restore this link' link below it if it is currently suspended.
  • Delete the links: Entirely deletes the selected links from your database.
Reciprocal Link Checker Verifying the honesty of your link partners. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:56:00 GMT
The reciprocal link checker checks the page which is listed as the reciprocal link URL for the link. Submitters should have provided this info at the time of submission, presumably, but you can edit the link to alter the reciprocal URL. When that page is grabbed, it's searched for any instance of your website's URL -- thus you must be sure that you have entered your website's URL at Admin Panel -> Settings -> System Configuration -> Website Details, otherwise it'll fall back to checking for the WSN installation URL.

If a particular site uses a non-standard URL to link back to you, perhaps a dynamic link code such as out.php?id=123, then you/they can edit this special link into that links information. When editing the link, find the "Reciprocated with" field and provide the URL which they use to link to you.

To learn what you can do with links the checker marks as suspect, see the Suspect Links article. If you have problems with the reciprocal link checker, see the troubleshooting article.]]>
Dead Link Checker Cutting out dead wood. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:55:47 GMT
From time to time you may wish to cull dead sites from your directory. The dead link checker cycles through trying to load each site, and if it cannot do so it marks the link as suspect so that you can manually verify that the link does not work and decide what action to take. Sometimes a site is down temporarily and returns, so you may wish to wait until a site has been marked suspect several times before taking action.]]>
Duplicate Link Checker Weeding out duplicates. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:55:38 GMT
The duplicate link checker is intended to allow large directories to avoid accidentally adding the same link two or more times. The duplicate link checker will find all instances where there are two links pointing to the same URL and mark them as suspect. If you have purposely put copies of the same link in multiple categories, do not run the duplicate link checker... it would suspect all your intentional duplicates. (Note that if you have aliased links, it will not suspect these.) When the check is complete, you can review the suspects and decide on appropriate action. Alternatively, you can check the automatically delete duplicates box at the beginning to auto-trust the checker. You also have the option to check for duplicate reciprocal URLs in case someone's trying to cheat you by using the same linkback for several listings.]]>