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Guest Acknowledgment

Submitted by Kizer.

I am making it required when a guest submits a article they must check a box saying they understand they can not edit a article after they submit unless they register.

I however do not want to make the admin or registered users have to check the box on every article because its rather redundant since they are already are members.

Step 1: Create a article field, which I called iknow as a checkbox value yes, which came out to be {LINKIKNOW}

Step 2: In your suggest article template add something like this.

<span class="labels">Not being a member I will not be able to edit or subscribe to my submitted article, however I can <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com/register.php">register</a>.
<input type="checkbox" name="iknow" value="yes"> Understood
<input type="hidden" name="iknow" value="yes">

Step 3: Now you will have to change your edit article template as well which I added:

<input type="hidden" name="iknow" value="yes">

If you do not add the above its going to tell you, you have not completed all of the fields because its looking for a check box input.

Step 4: Now go into your settings area in your admin and add the iknow as a required field.

By making it obvious when they submit a article it might help them understand the benefits of registering.