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Feed Variables

Feed Variables
01/05/08 (Edited 03/11/14)

These feed variables come under the scope of a link, and only apply when a link has a feed. These variables are for each feed item. Feed template varibles go within the <!-- BEGIN FEED --> area (which is itself within the scope of a article), like this:
<!-- BEGIN FEEDS -->
<!-- END FEEDS -->
-- you'll find something like the above in the article details template in versions 8.0 or older. in WSN 9 or later, go to Admin Panel -> Articles -> Article Fields and edit the RSS Feed URL field, and look in the "Custom Display HTML" box.

{FEEDLINK} - The URL destination of the feed item.
{FEEDTITLE} - The title of the feed item.
{FEEDDESCRIPTION} - The description of the feed item.
{FEEDDESCRIPTIONSTRIPPED} - The feed item description with all HTML removed.
-- Optional parameter: number of characters to cut off at.
{FEEDAUTHOR} - The author of the feed, as credited in the RSS.
{FEEDPUBDATE} - The publication date as credited in the RSS.
{FEEDCANVIEW} - True if the visitor can view the feed, false if not.

Description RSS feed template variables for the feeds which are associated to particular articles.
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