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Rating Template Variables

Rating Template Variables

Ratings are invidual votes or reviews on a article. You can use rating template variables in any ratings toplist, such as the one in the "Vote" template which appears when you have full review ratings enabled.

{RATINGID} - The id number of the rating.
{RATINGOWNERID} - The id number of the person who submitted the rating.
{RATINGAVATARURL} - URL of avatar of the person who submitted the rating. Optional parameters: width and height.
{RATINGDATE} - The date/time the rating was submitted.
{RATINGVOTEVALUE} - The rating they gave.
{RATINGSTARS} - Visual star display to represent the rating given.
{RATINGOLDSTARS} - As above, but with static HTML instead of clickable.
{RATINGGETCUSTOMSTARS} - Pass a field name to get the rating stars for a custom rating type if you're having people rate multiple separate aspects of a article.
{RATINGCOMMENT} - The review text for a full review rating.
{RATINGTITLE} - The headline title of the review for a full review rating.
{RATINGHELPFULAPPROVED} - The number of people who found this review helpful
{RATINGHELPFULDISAPPROVED} - The number of people who round this review unhelpful
{RATINGHELPFULVOTES} - The total number of people who found the rating either helpful or unhelpful.
{RATINGCANVOTE} - True if viewer is allowed to make a helpful/unhelpful reaction to this review, false if not.
{RATINGCANDELETE} - True if viewer is allowed to delete the rating, otherwise false.
{RATINGPROFILEURL} - Member profile URL of the person who submitted the rating.
{RATINGAPPLICABLELOCATION} - The associated article details URL, or for member ratings the profile URL.
{RATINGAPPLICABLENAME} - The associated article title, or for member ratings the member name.
{RATINGIP} - The IP address of the rating submitter.
{RATINGTYPE} - The type or rating, either link or member.
{RATINGVALIDATED} - True if the rating is active, false if pending validation.
{RATINGOWNERNAME} - The name of the member who submitted the rating.
{RATINGLISTINGID} - The id of the article the rating is of.
{RATINGLASTEDITDATE} - The date/time of the last edit to the review.
{RATINGLASTEDITBY} - The name of the last member to edit the review (presumably the owner or a moderator/admin).

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