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Attachment variables

Attachment variables
03/04/06 (Edited 11/03/15)

{ATTACHFILENAME} - The filename on disk of the attached file.
{ATTACHFILETITLE} - The readable submitted file name of the attachment, suitable for display.
{ATTACHDOWNLOADS} - The number of times the attached file has been downloaded.
{ATTACHKB} - Size of attachment in KB.
{ATTACHWIDTH} - The width of image attachments in pixels.
{ATTACHHEIGHT} - The height of image attachements in pixels.
{ATTACHISIMAGE} - Tells if it's an image or not, for use in conditionals.
{ATTACHISVIDEO} - Tells if it's a video or not, for use in conditionals.
{ATTACHVIDEOMIME} - The MIME type of a video attachment, for use in <video> tags.
{ATTACHTHUMBIMAGE} - The complete img tag for showing a thumbnail of the image.
-- Optional parameters: width and height. For example, {ATTACHTHUMBIMAGE[180 <,> 35]}.
{ATTACHSLIDELINK} - A thumbnail linked to open a slideshow of the set of images.
-- Optional parameters: width and height. For example, {ATTACHTHUMBIMAGE[180 <,> 35]}.
{ATTACHTHUMBURL} - The location of the thumbnail for an attached image, for use within an <img src> tag to display a thumbnail.
-- Optional parameters: width and height. For example, {ATTACHTHUMBURL[180 <,> 35]}.
{ATTACHSLIDEURL} - The link used in the lightbox slideshows.
-- Optional parameters: width and height. For example, {ATTACHSLIDEURL[800 <,> 600]}.
{ATTACHDOWNLOADURL} - The URL to click to download the attachment, for use within an <a href> tag.
-- Optional parameter: direct. {ATTACHDOWNLOADURL[direct]} will give the actual URL of the source image on disk instead of the download.php version.
{ATTACHDATE} - The date/time of the attachment. Accepts usual date parameter.
{ATTACHEXTENSION} - The file extension of the attachment.
{ATTACHFILEPATH} - The path to the file.
{ATTACHCAPTION} - A short text description entered by the uploader.
{ATTACHDSORTORDER} - The sorting priority number as entered by the uploader.

Note that attachment variables can be used either in toplists of attachments or within <!-- BEGIN LINK ATTACHMENTS --> areas.

Description Template variables for use with attachments.
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