WSN Gallery en-us Minifying Stylesheets Combining and minifying stylesheets helps your site score better on tools like google's mobile site speed test. Sat, 19 Nov 2016 10:31:45 GMT
WSN 10.0.32 Beta 4 and later includes an option for this at Admin Panel -> Themes -> Theme Settings -> "Minify Stylesheets?" Besides minifying, it also combines various stylesheets that ocour on all pages (the base style, the user style, the alertify styles and the superclick menu) into a single stylesheet, thus reducing the number of HTTP requests required to load your page (another speed benefit). When you have this option turned on, your site will no longer be using the templates/styles/themename.css but instead the minified templates/styles/production/themename.css. If you edit your style through WSN's template editor it will take care of refreshing the production version for you, but if you manually edit templates/styles/themename.css via FTP you will not see those changes applied for a while.

Generally you'll want this option on for a production website, but you may want it off during development.]]>
Drop Down Theme Selector What it is, what it is for, how to make changes and why offer more than one style? Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:26:10 GMT
Offering a variety of themes allows you to please the differing individual tastes of your website's visitors. This customization can make them more loyal.

To install free pre-made themes go to Admin -> Themes -> Add Themes. To add your own style or make changes to a style see Creating a New Style for more information.

To change the default theme, go to Admin Panel -> Themes -> Theme Settings.]]>
Why use Style Sheets? Stylesheets control the appearance of your site better than just html. Mon, 10 Nov 2003 23:34:49 GMT
As you are editing your templates you will see class="something" in a number of the html tags. This class item goes to the style sheet and tells your browser how this html item is suppose to appear in your page. If you want to change the appearance this something, add
.something { font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid; }
to the bottom of your stylesheet (Admin -> Themes -> Manage Templates -> Stylesheet). In this example, it makes all items of class something appear in 20px font in bold with a 1 pixel solid border.

There are a number of great places on the internet to learn more about Cascading Style Sheets. This is one of the great references site you can find. WDG Cascading Style Sheets This may not be the best place to learn about creating Cascading Style Sheets, but as you are making up your style sheets it is a place to go to reference the possibilities. There is also software out there to help you with your style sheets. Find what works best for you.

One of the places you can start learning more about CSS, is just to load one of the style sheets into your online editor. Change some of the items and see what happens. Move to different pages and see how it has changed the appearance in all your pages.]]>
What is a Casading Style Sheet? Learn more about CSS files. Mon, 10 Nov 2003 22:26:05 GMT
You can edit the stylesheet via Admin Panel -> Themes -> Manage Templates -> Stylesheet, or the /templates/styles/default.css file offline in your favorite HTML/CSS editor. The stylesheet has been simplified for you to contain everything you need to change all the colors and fonts, with no cruft. All the detailed cruft is in the base.css file in your theme's directory, but you don't need to edit that because you can override any of its rules in the regular stylesheet (since the regular stylesheet is called later than base.css in the HTML). Add just what you need and not what you don't to keep your style simple and readable.]]>
Creating a New Style Adding, editing and removing styles. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 14:24:31 GMT
Visitors will be able to select your new style at will by editing their profile or using the style selector. To make this new style the default style, go to Admin -> Themes -> Theme Settings and select it from the list for the default style setting.

To delete a style, you can use the delete themes option at the bottom of Admin -> Themes -> Add Themes.]]>