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No Wrapper

This seems to be used more for pop-up's than anything else, but you may find other times when you do not want the wrapper to load into a page.

To call for no wrapper add:


So in the following anchor tag you would change this:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin">Login</a>

to this:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>

<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>

You can also place it before the action like this:
<a href="index.php?usewrapper=no&action=userlogin">Login</a>

Be sure to add the & either before or after depending on where you place it in the anchor tag.

You'll normally be combining usewrapper=no with custom=yes&TID=yourtemplatename to specify a custom template. For example:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&custom=yes&TID=speciallogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>
Be sure that the speciallogin custom template contains a full HTML page from <html> to </html> since there will be no wrapper around it.

You can also set a particular template to never be used with the wrapper, by placing this html post anywhere in the template:
<!-- usewrapper=no -->
When that appears anywhere in a template, no wrapper will be shown on any page where the template is used.