WSN Directory en-us Premium Categories Suppose you want most of your site to be free, but to sell access to premium content in a special area. Wed, 07 Sep 2016 22:51:26 GMT
Start by creating your premium usergroup at Admin Panel -> Members -> Manage Usergroups. You can just use the existing "Sponsor" usergroup for it, unless you want to have multiple levels of paid membership -- but you'll probably want to rename "Sponsor" to some more appropriate description like "Paid Member" or "Premium Member", so go ahead and do that.

Next, go to Admin Panel -> Revenue -> Sponsorship Levels and click "Add a Usergroup Sponsorship Level". Select to promote to the premium/sponsors usergroup you just set up, and to revert to the usergroup Member. Set the price as desired (say $2 for 30 days for example). For the "level description" field, type a short pitch that will tell people the benefits they get from buying this level of membership.

In WSN 9.2.68+/10.0.19+ and later, WSN will automatically redirect people to the member sponsorship page when they click on a premium category while logged into a non-premium account. If they're not logged in at all, they'll get the login page.]]>
Sponsorship Template Variables Calling information about sponsorships into your templates. Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:23:51 GMT

Sometimes, however, you need more a more flexible display or you need to display it somewhere other than the 'submit listing' page. For this purpose, some sponsorship template variables have been provided which will work in any template (including the wrapper):

{SPONSORDATAGETCHARGEBYTYPE[typename]} -- Displays the price for the given typename, which can be a listing type or a usergroup number.
{SPONSORDATAGETDURATIONBYTYPE[typename]} -- Displays the sponsorship duration (in days) for the given typename, which can be a listing type or a usergroup number.
{SPONSORDATATYPEISSPONSORED[typename]} -- Returns true if the given listing type or usergroup number is a sponsored type, or false otherwise.
{SPONSORDATEGETPRICEPERFORQUANTITY[typename <,> quantity]} -- For bulk sponsorship, gives the price per listing for the given listing type and quantity.

You can also get info about bulk sponsorship purchases by a member:
{MEMBERBULKPURCHASEDTOTAL} - The number of submissions they bulk purchased.
{MEMBERBULKPURCHASEDUSED} - The number of bulk purchased submissions they've done so far.
{MEMBERBULKPURCHASEDREMAINING} - The number of bulk purchased submissions they have left.
{MEMBERBULKPURCHASEDTYPE} - The listing type they've bulk purchased.

These also work as {THISMEMBER for the person viewing the page, so to show them the number of submissions they have left you'd do this:
<p>You can make {THISMEMBERBULKPURCHASEDREMAINING} more {THISMEMBERBULKPURCHASEDTYPE} submissions: <a href="suggest.php?action=addlink">Submit</a></p>
<p>You've used up all your bulk submissions: <a href="index.php?action=bulksponsor">Buy More</a></p>
<p>You haven't purchased any submissions: <a href="index.php?action=bulksponsor">Buy Some</a></p>

For listing type sponsorship there are additional template variables available in specific locations, such ase the submit listing page and the listing sponsorship page. See for the list of those template variables.]]>
Changing Currency Charging in euros, dollars, pesos etc via paypal. Tue, 28 Sep 2010 15:19:07 GMT

Sponsorships will always be processed with your primary currency, but if you have listings that have prices associated with them then you can allow the listing submitter to choose between multiple currencies. Enter your list of alternate currencies on the Localization page under "Currency Options"... you'll need to enter the three letter currency codes, one per line.]]>
Allowing Only Reciprocal And Sponsored Setting up your directory to require reciprocal links for free listings, but not require them for paid listings. Mon, 18 Jan 2010 14:57:21 GMT
1) Go to Admin Panel -> Listings -> Listing Types. Change the name of the regular type to sponsored. If you want both the sponsored and reciprocal types to look exactly the same, remove the
<IF {LINKTYPE} is recip><img src="{IMAGESURL}/star.png" ></IF>
line from them.

2) Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches and check the "only allow reciprocal and sponsored" box. Make sure the sponsorship switch is enabled too.

3) Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Sponsorship and set up listing type sponsorship or member usergroup sponsorship as desired.]]>
Unpaid Sponsorship An advanced option to sponsor without paying. Fri, 24 Apr 2009 15:40:18 GMT Please note that unpaid sponsorship is only available for listing type sponsorship, not usergroup sponsorship.

Unpaid sponsorship means that the user can simply click to promote their listing to the sponsored type at will. Some people want to use this as a way to encourage people to frequent their website. The sponsorship might be set to last for a day, for example, so that the listing owner would have to login every day to keep the listing sponsored. The link to renew their sponsorships will be on the member home main page (the page they reach by clicking "Options"), with a link next to each listing shown in the table.

After changing the advanced option, go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Sponsorship to set up the sponsorship levels.

Of course, the vast majority of people will only be interested in paid sponsorship.]]>