WSN Directory en-us Custom Pages Adding new pages to your site. Sat, 08 Feb 2014 16:55:25 GMT At Admin Panel -> Themes -> Custom Pages, you have the option to add custom pages to your site. Custom pages are very much like custom templates, but they apply across all your themes. Unlike custom templates, they can't be overlayed on a specific other page (they're for new pages, not alternate versions of existing pages).

Fill in the title and content to create the custom page. You can use HTML and toplists (Admin -> Themes -> Toplist Generator) in the content, as well as all the usual template variables.

Once you've created a custom page, it'll give you the linking code you can use to reference it. Normally you would want to link to it in your wrapper template, Admin Panel -> Themes -> Manage Templates -> "Wrapper".

For Versions 9.0+

As of WSN 9, you can choose to edit in either plain text or WYSIWYG mode -- plain text is safer, WYSIWYG will usually work but could mangle some syntax if including toplists etc. You can also now specify a custom URL for the page if you have URL rewriting on (if you want URL rewriting on, go to Admin -> Settings -> SEO). There's also an option to include the page in the main menu... if you select this, the page will be automatically added to the main menu which appears at the top of your site and will appear in your menu manager at Admin -> Customizations -> Menu Manager.

Multi-Step Submission Templates Splitting a submission into several pages of data connection. Sun, 09 Oct 2011 15:57:01 GMT Sometimes, you may want to break the long submission page (let's assume "submit listing" for example) into multiple steps. As of version 6.2.6, you can make custom templates for each additional step.

Go to the template editor at Admin Panel -> Themes -> Manage Templates. In the regular submit listing template, find the submit button HTML -- in a multilingual install it'll be
<button type="submit" name="processform" value="1" class="submitbutton">{LANG_GENERAL_SUBMIT}</button>
, in an english-only install the {LANG_GENERAL_SUBMIT} will be replaced with "Submit". Change this button to
<button type="submit" name="step" value="yourstep2" class="submitbutton">Continue to step 2</button>

After saving that, find the create a custom template area toward the bottom of the template editor page. There, create a custom template named yourstep2template (or whatever name you put in step 2 button value). Copy the contents of the submit listing template into there and remove all parts you don't want to be on the step 2 page (and remove everything from the submit listing template that you don't want to have on the step 1 page).

You can create a step 3 simply by using
<button type="submit" name="step" value="yourstep3" class="submitbutton">Continue to step 3</button>
as the submit button html of step 2. For the final page, the submit button will be the original code but you'll need to modify the preview button to specify the template of your final submit page... if that's submitstep2.tpl, use
<button type="submit" name="processform" value="1" class="submitbutton">Submit</button>
<button type="submit" name="preview" value="submitstep2" class="previewbutton">Preview</button>

To present a button which when pushed will take the user to a previous step, use
<button type="submit" name="step" value="suggestlink" class="submitbutton">Back to step 1</button>

Replace suggestlink with the appropriate step's template if it's not going back to the first step.

Warning: The CAPTCHA/challenge, WYSIWYG description and any file uploads have to be on the final step of the submission in order to work.

Custom Suggest Listing Pages How to make the look stay consistent after an incomplete submission or file attachment. Tue, 03 Jan 2006 07:44:16 GMT
You may also want to see the Different Custom Fields Per Category article or learn how to to multi-step submission pages.]]>
Calling Custom Wrapper Calling a custom wrapper into a page. Mon, 05 Jan 2004 23:40:20 GMT customwrapper=specialwrapper.

Your anchor tag will go from
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin">Login</a>
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&customwrapper=specialwrapper">Login</a>]]>
No Wrapper Removing the wrapper (header and footer) from a page. Mon, 05 Jan 2004 23:26:27 GMT
To call for no wrapper add:


So in the following anchor tag you would change this:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin">Login</a>

to this:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>

<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>

You can also place it before the action like this:
<a href="index.php?usewrapper=no&action=userlogin">Login</a>

Be sure to add the & either before or after depending on where you place it in the anchor tag.

You'll normally be combining usewrapper=no with custom=yes&TID=yourtemplatename to specify a custom template. For example:
<a href="index.php?action=userlogin&custom=yes&TID=speciallogin&usewrapper=no">Login</a>
Be sure that the speciallogin custom template contains a full HTML page from <html> to </html> since there will be no wrapper around it.

You can also set a particular template to never be used with the wrapper, by placing this html comment anywhere in the template:
<!-- usewrapper=no -->
When that appears anywhere in a template, no wrapper will be shown on any page where the template is used.]]>