WSN Directory en-us Allowing Only Reciprocal And Sponsored Setting up your directory to require reciprocal links for free listings, but not require them for paid listings. Mon, 18 Jan 2010 14:57:21 GMT
1) Go to Admin Panel -> Listings -> Listing Types. Change the name of the regular type to sponsored. If you want both the sponsored and reciprocal types to look exactly the same, remove the
<IF {LINKTYPE} is recip><img src="{IMAGESURL}/star.png" ></IF>
line from them.

2) Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches and check the "only allow reciprocal and sponsored" box. Make sure the sponsorship switch is enabled too.

3) Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Sponsorship and set up listing type sponsorship or member usergroup sponsorship as desired.]]>
Link Exchange System Allowing members to trade links. Sun, 25 May 2008 06:52:53 GMT
When the switch is on, a "request link exchange" option appears to members by links which are owned by other members. When clicked, it prompts them to specify which of their own links they want to exchange with that one. When they select that, the other member is alerted and prompted to approve or deny the exchange. If they approve it, the requesting member is instructed to place the link. When the requester has placed the link and it's verified as present by the script, the other member is prompted to do their part to complete the exchange.

Note the link exchange system is for registered members, not unregistered guests, so they'll need to sign up first.

To customize text/html associated with link exchanges, look at Admin -> Customizations -> Language (search for some part of the wording you wish to change) or Admin -> Themes -> Manage Templates -> "Link Exchange Request" / "Link Exchange Jobs".]]>
Timed Reciprocal Verification Automatically enforcing reciprocation. Mon, 21 May 2007 04:10:23 GMT
1) When a reciprocal link is submitted, it's given 2 days. After 2 days a check is performed to determine if it's reciprocating. If it isn't, the link is unvalidated. If you don't manually validated it within 2 days it's deleted.
2) Every 30 days, another check is run. If the site fails this check a warning email is sent and it lands in the 48 hour pile. If the site still isn't complying after 2 days the link is unvalidated. If you don't manually validate it within 2 days it's deleted.

As you can see, this saves you enforcement time at the cost of possibly deleting sites for innocent mistakes.

You can change 2 days to another number of days at Admin Panel -> Listings -> Listing Settings -> Reciprocal Verification Timings.

A recipcheckdays tweak is available to change it from checking every 30 days to checking every some other number of days.]]>
Making All Links Reciprocal Eliminating regular links. Sun, 07 Jan 2007 05:50:56 GMT Checking for reciprocal links on submission Details of the option. Thu, 26 Aug 2004 03:58:53 GMT
If you want all submissions to be reciprocal, enable the "Only allow reciprocal and sponsored" switch as well.]]>