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Quotes System

Quotes System
08/31/07 (Edited 02/01/14)

At Admin Panel -> Settings -> Switches you have the option to activate a quotes system. This is a way to collect a bunch of interesting quotations and display them. A random quote will be displayed on the front page (unless you remove it from the template), with a link to the quotes page which contains the full list for viewing, editing, deletion, or submission of additional material. Quotes can be searched by author or content on the view quotes page.

Once the switch is on, Admin Panel -> Members -> Manage Usergroups controls who can do what with quotes. Quotes can be set to require validation, pending quotes will appear as a tab on the validation page.

Note that you can make toplists of quotes using the toplist generator.

You could repurpose the quotes system for any other similar bits of info you'd like to collect and display.

Description Collecting quotations.
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