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500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error
31/03/06 (Edited 10/02/14)

If all pages always show a 500 internal server error:

  • Make sure you didn't upload to a /cgi-bin/ directory. WSN Links is PHP, not Perl, so it doesn't belong there.
  • A problem in the .htaccess file can cause a 500 error. Check if the error goes away when deleting .htaccess. If so, work through it to find the line that's killing it (or ask for support).
  • A bad chmod value can also cause a 500 error. Servers that don't allow 777 directories sometimes give these errors when using 777 -- try setting the directory to 755 instead (and be sure to change the Settings->System Settings value to 775 as well if that's the issue).

If all pages temporarily show a 500 internal server error:

  • Your web host was probably experiencing difficulties for a bit.

If pages sometimes show a 500 internal server error:

  • A few servers require a -f parameter in sending emails, though the vast majority should not use -f. Go to Admin Panel -> E-Mails -> E-Mail Preferences and set "Use -f parameter in sending mail?" to "yes". See if that clears up the error. If it doesn't, turn the -f off again.
  • Other sorts of malformed mail may also cause a 500, such as a bad "to" address, though WSN automatically avoids sending emails to a blank recipient.
  • A problem in the .htaccess file can cause a 500 error. Check if the error goes away when deleting .htaccess. If so, work through it to find the line that's killing it (or ask for support). As a temporary measure until solving the .htaccess problem, disable URL rewriting at Admin -> Settings -> SEO so that your site will be navigable.
  • A bad chmod value can also cause a 500 error. Servers that don't allow 777 directories sometimes give these errors when using 777 -- try setting the directory to 755 instead, and the files in the base and admin directories to 644.
  • If you're running PHP as CGI then 500 errors become much more common and can mean many more things. See

Description Possible causes of HTTP 500 errors.
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